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regulamin konkursu "konkurs walentynkowy"

regulamin konkursu "konkurs walentynkowy"

REGULAMIN KONKURSU POD NAZWĄ „Konkurs Walentynkowy”   Postanowienia... More
My day with UR bag.

My day with UR bag.

My day with UR bag.   Hi everyone! In this post I will tell you what my day is like when I’m... More
Why is it worth having UR product by Urszula Radwanska

Why is it worth having UR product by Urszula Radwanska

Why is it worth having UR product?   Hey hey, I'm writing to you from ... home :) Yes, this time... More
Discover the secrets of the functionality of UR bags

Discover the secrets of the functionality of UR bags

Hey! I’m writing to you from beautiful, sunny Holland where I’m playing a tennis tournament.... More
Where did the idea and inspiration for creating the UR brand come from?

Where did the idea and inspiration for creating the UR brand come from?

Strong, motivated ,brave in realizing passions and dreams. This is me Urszula Radwanska, a tennis... More

Thanks to UR purse I am prepare for the challenge every day! Elegance, originality and incredible comfort are aspects that have drawn me to the world of UR.

Ania Jagodzińska

The first Polish model on the cover of the American Vogue, May 2009. Performed on the catwalks, among others: Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Roberto Cavalli