- Under the Act on consumer rights of 30 May 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), the customer can resign from the goods purchased in the shop without providing reasons within 14 days upon the date of delivery receipt. For this purpose, it is necessary to submit a written declaration on withdrawal from the contract, sending it to our correspondence address: Obrzeżna 5F / 50, 02-691 Warsaw.
- The goods must be in a perfect condition, without sings of use. All goods must be returned in the original packaging. The returned goods must be accompanied by the document confirming the order (a receipt or invoice) as well as the completed return form.
- The returned goods cannot have any signs of use, it must be returned in the unused condition. Goods not meeting the aforementioned conditions will not be accepted for return.
- Money is returned by means of a bank transfer to the account specified by the Customer within 14 working days upon the date of receipt of the returned goods.
- In case of goods return, the Customer incurs the costs of goods shipment.
- The shop does not accept parcels sent with COD delivery or sent without prior consultation
- The return parcel must be sent to the followingaddress: Obrzeżna 5F / 50, 02-691 Warsaw.
Return form(pdf).
- If, upon receipt of the goods, the Customer states that it is not compliant with the order: the type of goods is different, or it has technical defects, the shop must be contacted in order to establish the method of compliant consideration. All complaints are considered not later than within 14 working days upon their submittal.
- Complaints concerning the difference between the appearance of ordered goods and received ones which result from different screen parameter setting, especially different colours and shades, do not constitute the basis for goods return.
- Complaints concerning damage caused during transport are considered only in case of drafting the complaint protocol together with the supplier. Before accepting a parcel, always check whether the packaging was not damaged in transport. If the parcel packaging has signs of damage, do not accept the parcel and draft the damage protocol in presence of the courier and immediately contact the shop. Checking the package on delivery is a prerequisite for consideration of Client’s potential claims for damage or theft of parcel in transport.
- Complaints concerning parcel mechanical damage caused in transport are considered only and exclusively upon drafting the damage protocol signed by the recipient and supplier of the parcel and sending it to our address.
- Any types of intentional or accidental mechanical damage are not subject to complaints: tears, cuts and damage resulting from inappropriate use
- We do not accept parcels sent with COD delivery or sent without prior consultation.
- The costs connected with sending back the goods subject to complaint are reimbursed by the ship upon the consideration of complaint
Correspondence address: Obrzeżna 5F / 50 02-691 Warszawa